The FTD® Little Miss Pink™ Bouquet

No. d'article : D8-4909

The FTD® Little Miss Pink™ Bouquet sweetly brings together roses and Asiatic lilies to welcome the new baby girl into the world and congratulate the proud parents. Blushing pale pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies, pink mini carnations and bupleurum create a stunning flower bouquet arranged within a clear glass bubble bowl vase housing vibrant pink and green foam for a fantastic look that will delight the new family with its charming beauty.

Your choice

  • Regular bouquet

    Reg. price 59.99
  • Deluxe bouquet

    Reg. price 79.99
  • Sublime bouquet

    Reg. price 99.99

Enhance your order with these products

  • 3 Balloons

    12.95 $
  • Chocolate box

    15.99 $
  • Teddy bear

    22.99 $
  • Greeting card

    7.95 $

All the articles shown on this site are the arrangement types that we offer and it can vary accordingly with their availibity in some regions.